*Fashion Sketch Service*
I sometimes make sketches when thinking about design, and would like to officially extend that service to customers if they'd like it! Several commissions we've gotten have been from people who weren't quite sure what they wanted, or had an idea but wanted to see the big picture before they ordered it. I will sketch an idea (either your own idea, my idea according to your parameters, or a combination of the two) out for you for a low cost.
-$5/sketch, for now. If you receive one sketch and want to change some things around and get a new one (I won't simply make free alterations on the existing one), or want multiple sketches of alternative looks, or want a full picture of both front and back/side (as opposed to front and optional small details/back as necessary), or have other circumstances demanding more than one image, it's $5 PER sketch. As with other commissions/sales, I prefer payment through Paypal; alternatives may be discussed.
-The sketches will be sent to you in digital form (jpg). I do not have plans at the moment to send off physical drawings, and the drawing size will not be standardized, unless you want a real art commission (see below).
-You can give as much or as little preliminary detail as you like; there's no extra charge if you'd like me to design/brainstorm for you at this time. However, if you want to insert changes to my idea afterwards, constituting a new sketch, you must purchase another.
-There is absolutely no obligation or expectation to purchase a commission based on a sketch; sketches are entirely separate. That said, if you're fairly sure you want to commission from us, you can request I sketch only things I know we can work with.
-The sketches are rough; level of 'finish' is done all at my discretion, in the interest of avoiding delays. If you'd like to assure higher sketch quality than normal (in the case that you'd like to enjoy/display it for yourself), it's perfectly fine, but that will constitute a higher price (to be discussed). Completely finished, full color or grayscale pictures with all clean lines and details, or with things like backgrounds, venture into actual art commission territory, and would be priced as such (i.e. likely a good deal more than $5), but I'm happy to discuss them (for subjects other than fashions/faceups as well).
-I retain all rights to my own sketches, to reproduce, alter, sell, etc. Do not post/claim the pictures as your own work, or use them for moneymaking ventures (even with editing), crop out any signatures/watermarks, and the like. If you'd like to post the sketch somewhere, please credit me and do not hotlink pics from my site.
Please contact Akiko (just your name and a request with description is fine; there's no official form) to commission a sketch. Any more questions? Unsure about some of the details here? Just let me know and I can clarify or expand on things for you!
Some examples of customer and personal sketches below (click each thumbnail for full pictures):

Idea for faceup/markings sketched by me in accordance to client's wishes (open ended makeup but specifically requested stripe/ear design); faceup went on to be requested (understood with client: face stripes, originally conceived as fading out, reworked to solid and curved to face contours with slight added curve as well; ear stripes enlarged to hide magnet shadows in ears)

Idea for colors/tattoo designed by me in accordance to client's wishes (something sweet, shimmery and soft with a fantasy color aspect, that goes with a pink wig); faceup went on to be requested (understood with client: lip color changed slightly, more shadowing/depth added to eyeshadow color, tattoo edited slightly for size and fantasy colors not as bright/saturated)

A sweet, semi-lolita outfit sketch created from customer description. This commission went on to be requested after the sketch was made. Post-sketching, small changes were made to the skirt (split up from an initial dress and ruffles moved), overskirt and sleeves, but the style remains roughly the same. Some color/highlights added.

Two tattoo ideas sketched out for a client; cat logo from a fairly specific description (cat jumping arrow in circle) and dahlia tattoo brainstormed from an open-ended request. Black and white sketches.

Left: A cute/sexy maid outfit sketch created from customer description. Right: a sketch for a loli-ish angel inspired ensemble to go with some wings. These outfits were either re-designed or not requested for commission. Some color/highlights added.

The initial sketch idea for our Rain in Paris: April Showers outfit. Changed the style of the jacket and decoration a bit post-sketch.

A cross-period winter gown outfit sketch created from customer description/personal brainstorming. The commission went on to be requested and completed (colors and decoration changed slightly). Sketch was redrawn with a bit of color/swatching from an earlier rougher version, requested and paid for by the customer.

Two sketches I made for my own personal use in requesting a commission from someone else! It ended up not exactly working out; I still plan to make these outfits in the future and if we do I'll post an update.
Clothing commissions
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